Penyakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah
Adalah penyebab kematian terbesar dibanyak negara. Semua orang mempunyai kemungkinan mendapatkan penyakit ini. Tetapi kita dapat memperkecil kemungkinan ini dengan melakukan beberapa langkah yang sederhana.
Apa Penyebab Penyakit Jantung?
Anda mempunyai resiko lebih tinggi jika:
Kolesterol tinggi
Tekanan darah tinggi
Tidak olahraga (Exercise)
Kelebihan berat badan (Overweight)
Resiko Anda Lebih Tinggi Terkena Penyakit ini jika Anda Adalah Pewaris
Orangtua Anda adalah penderita penyakit jantung pada usia enam puluhan, maka usaha untuk mengurangi resiko ini perlu lebih diperhatikan.
Beberapa Langkah Menuju Kesehatan
Jangan merokok
Kurangilah makanan yang mengandung lemak/minyak
Perbanyak makan buah, sayuran, roti dan cereal
Jadikanlah olahraga bagian dari kehidupan Anda sehari-hari (Jalan baik untuk kesehatan)
Jagalah berat tubuh Anda
Pergilah ke dokter untuk memeriksa tekanan darah dan kolesterol Anda
Catatan Penting:
Konsultasikan kesehatan Anda dengan dokter perusahaan, jika Anda merasa ada kelainan pada kesehatan tubuh Anda.
Penyakit Jantung Koroner
Penyakit jantung koroner merupakan penyakit yang banyak diderita masyarakat
Penyakit ini menyerang pembuluh darah yang mengalirkan darah ke jantung. Timbunan lemak, kolesterol dan jaringan ikat pada dinding pembuluh darah secara perlahan-lahan pada akhirnya akan mengakibatkan menyempitnya pembuluh darah. Pada waktu pembuluh darah menyempit, jantung harus bekerja lebih keras dan ini menyebabkan nyeri dada. Kalau pembuluh darah tersumbat sama sekali, pemasokan darah ke jantung akan terhenti. Inilah yang disebut serangan jantung.
Faktor resiko untuk penyakit jantung coroner bisa dibagi menjadi dua:
1. Faktor yang tidak bisa kita kendalikan
Umur, makin tua resiko makin besar
Jenis kelamin, pria mempunyai resiko lebih tinggi dari pada wanita (wanita resikonya meningkat sesudah menopause)
2. Faktor yang bisa kita kendalikan
Tekanan darah tinggi
Kadar lemak yang tinggi dalam darah
Kurang olah raga
Diabetes yang tidak terkendali
Untuk memperbaiki kadar lemak, perlu diperhatikan hal-hal berikut:
1.Kurangi makanan berlemak, termasuk segala jenis lemak.
2.Kurangi makanan yang mengandung lemak hewani.
3.Gantikan dengan lemak poliunsaturated (minyak jagung, minyak bunga matahari) dan lemak monosaturated (minyak kanola, zaitun).
4.Makan ikan 3 - 4 kali seminggu.
5.Tingkatkan jumlah serat terutama dengan buah segar, sayuran, kacang-kacangan kering, barley oats (sejenis gandum).
6.Pertahankan berat badan ideal.
7.Kurangi makan gula dan makanan manis.
8.Kurangi alkohol (maksimum 1 atau 2 gelas sehari).
9.Olah raga secara teratur.
10.Jangan merokok.
Jika anda mengidap tekanan darah tinggi, jangan gunakan garam dalam masakan dan jangan pula tambahkan kecap asin dalam makanan anda.
Jenis makan berikut harus dihindari karena mengandung banyak garam:
garam, garam bawang, garam sayur
ikan asap, daging asap, ikan asin
kecap (bisa diganti dengan kecap yang kurang asin)
saus tomat, saus Barbecue, saus maggi
ham, sosis, corned beef
sup dalam kaleng, kaldu sup atau mie instant
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Sabtu, 26 April 2008
Gigi sebagai Sumber Penyakit Jantung
PENYAKIT jantung adalah penyebab utama kematian di negara maju. Di AS saja diperkirakan 12,4 juta orang menderita penyakit ini dan 1,1 juta orang akan terkena gangguan jantung serius tahun ini.
Tahun 2000, 16,7 juta penderita meninggal karena penyakit ini, atau sekitar 30,3% dari total kematian di seluruh dunia. Lebih dari setengahnya dilaporkan dari negara berkembang. DI Indonesia, prevalensi penyakit jantung dari tahun ke tahun terus meningkat.
Di samping faktor risiko klasik (merokok, obesitas, kadar kolesterol, tekanan darah tinggi, kurang aktivitas, diabetes mellitus, stres), hasil penelitian akhir-akhir ini menyebutkan bahwa reaksi peradangan (inflamasi) dari penyakit infeksi kronis mungkin juga menjadi faktor risiko. Meskipun begitu, hanya penyakit gigi kronis yang terbukti terkait dengan penyakit jantung.
Mekanisme penyebaran
Penyebaran penyakit dari gigi ke organ tubuh lain dapat dijelaskan lewat teori fokal infeksi.
Fokal infeksi adalah infeksi kronis di suatu tempat dan memicu penyakit di tempat lain. Racun, sisa-sisa kotoran, maupun mikroba penginfeksi bisa menyebar ke tempat lain di tubuh seperti ginjal, jantung, mata, kulit. Dampak penyakit gigi pada jantung dapat berupa penyakit jantung koroner, peradangan otot, serta katup jantung (endokarditis).
Bakteri yang terikut aliran darah bisa memproduksi enzim yang mempercepat terbentuknya bekuan darah sehingga mengeraskan dinding pembuluh darah jantung (aterosklerosis). Bakteri dapat juga melekat pada lapisan (plak) lemak di pembuluh darah jantung dan mempertebal plak. Semua itu, menghambat aliran darah serta penyaluran sumber makanan dan oksigen ke jantung, sehingga jantung tak berfungsi semestinya.
Gejala awal dapat berupa nyeri dada, meliputi rasa seperti terbakar, tertekan, dan beban berat di dada kiri, yang dapat meluas ke lengan kiri, leher, dagu, dan bahu. Nyeri dada juga terasa di bagian tengah dada selama beberapa menit. Setelah kejadian biasanya diikuti rasa mual, muntah, pusing, keringat dingin, tungkai serta lengan menjadi dingin, napas terengah-engah, dan sesak napas.
Angina berkepanjangan akan menjurus ke serangan jantung (miokard infark). Namun sering kali penyakit jantung koroner berlangsung tanpa adanya gejala, ia tidak menimbulkan masalah sampai keadaannya sudah parah.
Kemungkinan lain, reaksi peradangan yang disebabkan oleh penyakit gigi meningkatkan pembentukan plak yang memacu penebalan dinding pembuluh darah. Penelitian menunjukkan, orang dengan penyakit gigi mempunyai risiko dua kali lebih tinggi terkena penyakit jantung koroner.
Bakteri yang ditemukan pada plak gigi merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab endokarditis.
Bakteri di lubang gigi maupun gusi yang rusak dapat masuk ke dalam sirkulasi darah lewat gusi yang berdarah. Bakteri ini dengan mudah menyerang katup jantung maupun otot jantung yang telah melemah. Gejalanya berupa demam, bising jantung, perdarahan di bawah kulit, bahkan embolisasi (penyumbatan) pembuluh darah kecil di organ-organ tubuh lainnya.
Meskipun jarang, penyakit ini dapat berakibat fatal dan kadang kala memerlukan operasi katup jantung darurat. Selain itu juga sangat dianjurkan pemberian antibiotika sebagai profilaksi pada orang yang menderita prolaps katup jantung, penyakit jantung rematik dan kelainan jantung bawaan, sebelum mendapatkan tindakan pengobatan gigi.
Karena mencegah selalu lebih baik daripada mengobati, perlu perawatan gigi yang baik dan pemeriksaan gigi secara berkala. Cara pencegahan terbentuknya karang gigi cukup sederhana, yaitu dengan rajin dan teliti membersihkan gigi secara baik dan benar. Penggosokan pada lidah selama 30 detik juga terbukti mengurangi jumlah bakteri dalam mulut.
Brosur cara menyikat gigi yang baik dan benar dapat diperoleh dengan mudah di setiap tempat praktik dokter gigi. Pemakaian dental floss (benang gigi) juga amat penting untuk membersihkan daerah- daerah yang sulit terjangkau oleh sikat gigi, terutama daerah antargigi dan juga pada gigi-gigi yang berjejal.*
Tahun 2000, 16,7 juta penderita meninggal karena penyakit ini, atau sekitar 30,3% dari total kematian di seluruh dunia. Lebih dari setengahnya dilaporkan dari negara berkembang. DI Indonesia, prevalensi penyakit jantung dari tahun ke tahun terus meningkat.
Di samping faktor risiko klasik (merokok, obesitas, kadar kolesterol, tekanan darah tinggi, kurang aktivitas, diabetes mellitus, stres), hasil penelitian akhir-akhir ini menyebutkan bahwa reaksi peradangan (inflamasi) dari penyakit infeksi kronis mungkin juga menjadi faktor risiko. Meskipun begitu, hanya penyakit gigi kronis yang terbukti terkait dengan penyakit jantung.
Mekanisme penyebaran
Penyebaran penyakit dari gigi ke organ tubuh lain dapat dijelaskan lewat teori fokal infeksi.
Fokal infeksi adalah infeksi kronis di suatu tempat dan memicu penyakit di tempat lain. Racun, sisa-sisa kotoran, maupun mikroba penginfeksi bisa menyebar ke tempat lain di tubuh seperti ginjal, jantung, mata, kulit. Dampak penyakit gigi pada jantung dapat berupa penyakit jantung koroner, peradangan otot, serta katup jantung (endokarditis).
Bakteri yang terikut aliran darah bisa memproduksi enzim yang mempercepat terbentuknya bekuan darah sehingga mengeraskan dinding pembuluh darah jantung (aterosklerosis). Bakteri dapat juga melekat pada lapisan (plak) lemak di pembuluh darah jantung dan mempertebal plak. Semua itu, menghambat aliran darah serta penyaluran sumber makanan dan oksigen ke jantung, sehingga jantung tak berfungsi semestinya.
Gejala awal dapat berupa nyeri dada, meliputi rasa seperti terbakar, tertekan, dan beban berat di dada kiri, yang dapat meluas ke lengan kiri, leher, dagu, dan bahu. Nyeri dada juga terasa di bagian tengah dada selama beberapa menit. Setelah kejadian biasanya diikuti rasa mual, muntah, pusing, keringat dingin, tungkai serta lengan menjadi dingin, napas terengah-engah, dan sesak napas.
Angina berkepanjangan akan menjurus ke serangan jantung (miokard infark). Namun sering kali penyakit jantung koroner berlangsung tanpa adanya gejala, ia tidak menimbulkan masalah sampai keadaannya sudah parah.
Kemungkinan lain, reaksi peradangan yang disebabkan oleh penyakit gigi meningkatkan pembentukan plak yang memacu penebalan dinding pembuluh darah. Penelitian menunjukkan, orang dengan penyakit gigi mempunyai risiko dua kali lebih tinggi terkena penyakit jantung koroner.
Bakteri yang ditemukan pada plak gigi merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab endokarditis.
Bakteri di lubang gigi maupun gusi yang rusak dapat masuk ke dalam sirkulasi darah lewat gusi yang berdarah. Bakteri ini dengan mudah menyerang katup jantung maupun otot jantung yang telah melemah. Gejalanya berupa demam, bising jantung, perdarahan di bawah kulit, bahkan embolisasi (penyumbatan) pembuluh darah kecil di organ-organ tubuh lainnya.
Meskipun jarang, penyakit ini dapat berakibat fatal dan kadang kala memerlukan operasi katup jantung darurat. Selain itu juga sangat dianjurkan pemberian antibiotika sebagai profilaksi pada orang yang menderita prolaps katup jantung, penyakit jantung rematik dan kelainan jantung bawaan, sebelum mendapatkan tindakan pengobatan gigi.
Karena mencegah selalu lebih baik daripada mengobati, perlu perawatan gigi yang baik dan pemeriksaan gigi secara berkala. Cara pencegahan terbentuknya karang gigi cukup sederhana, yaitu dengan rajin dan teliti membersihkan gigi secara baik dan benar. Penggosokan pada lidah selama 30 detik juga terbukti mengurangi jumlah bakteri dalam mulut.
Brosur cara menyikat gigi yang baik dan benar dapat diperoleh dengan mudah di setiap tempat praktik dokter gigi. Pemakaian dental floss (benang gigi) juga amat penting untuk membersihkan daerah- daerah yang sulit terjangkau oleh sikat gigi, terutama daerah antargigi dan juga pada gigi-gigi yang berjejal.*
Cegah Penyakit Jantung dengan Mengonsumsi Kacang
Jakarta - Mitos makan kacang dapat menimbulkan jerawat, asam urat, dan batuk, tidak semuanya benar. Menurut Guru Besar Bidang Nutrisi dari Penn State University, Dr Penny Kris-Etherton, semakin kita sering mengonsumsi kacang, maka risiko terkena penyakit jantung koroner pun semakin berkurang.
Menurutnya, kandungan asam lemak tak jenuh yang ada dalam kacang-kacangan, khususnya kacang tanah terbukti sangat tinggi dan profil asam lemak dalam kacang tersebut merupakan salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan risiko penyakit jantung koroner. ”Mengkonsumsi satu ons kacang, lebih dari lima kali seminggu bisa menurunkan risiko penyakit jantung koroner 25 persen sampai 39 persen,” ujarnya.
Penelitian Penny ini didukung oleh penelitian dari Dr Frank Hu dari Havard School of Public Health. Dalam pertemuan American Heart Association di Dallas tahun 2000, Frank mengungkapkan ahsil penelitiannya terhadap 86 ribu wanita yang sering mengkonsumsi kacang, disimpulkan bahwa mengkonsumsi kacang-kacangan termasuk kacang tanah, mampu menjaga pemompaan aktivitas jantung dengan teratur.
Kacang-kacangan mengandung fitosterol, Beta-Sitosterol (SIT) yang terbukti dapat menghambat pertumbuhan kanker dan melindungi dari penyakit jantung. SIT juga menawarkan perlindungan dari colon, prostate dan kanker payudara. Kandungan SIT dalam 100 gram kacang adalah 165 mg. Fitosterol dalam jantung dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol dan level Triglyserida dengan cara memblok absorbsi kolesterol dari makanan yang disirkulasikan dalam darah dan mengurangi reabsorbsi kolesterol dari hati, serta tetap menjaga HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) kolesterol. Lebih dari 80 persen lemak dalam minyak kacang adalah jenis yang tidak jenuh dan sehat bagi jantung serta bebas kolesterol.
Selain mengandung SIT, kacang-kacangan juga mengandung serat (fiber). Menurut Prof Dr Muhilal dari Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Gizi dan Makanan, Bogor, tingginya kolesterol darah merupakan salah satu faktor risiko terjadinya penyakit jantung koroner. Serat dalam makanan terdiri dari serat yang larut dalam air dan yang tidak terlarut dalam air, namun keduanya dapat menurunkan kolesterol.
Muhilal menjelaskan penurunan kolesterol terjadi antara lain karena kolesterol terbawa ke dalam feses bersama serat dan proses biosintesis kolesterol dalam hati berkurang karena tingginya konsumsi serat. Idealnya, kita harus mengkonsumsi serat 25-30 gram per hari. Kacang tanah termasuk makanan yang mengandung serat. Satu sendok kecil kacang tanah mengandung 2 gram serat atau 8 persen dari serat yang dibutuhkan per hari.
”Masyarakat Indonesia rata-rata hanya mengkonsumsi serat 10,5 gram per hari, jauh di bawah yang dianggap dapat menurunkan risiko terkena penyakit jantung koroner yakni di atas 20 gram per hari. Lebih dari 90 persen penduduk Indonesia konsumsi seratnya kurang dari 20 gram per hari,” ujarnya. Menurutnya, sayuran, buah-buahan dan serealia merupakan sumber serat. Tapi sayangnya, serealia yang ada di pasaran sudah sangat rendah kandungan seratnya karena masyarakat lebih suka pada beras yang disosok.
Sementara itu Menteri Kesehatan Achmad Sujudi mengatakan sejak tahun 1955, penyakit jantung merupakan penyebab kematian nomor satu di Indonesia. ”Perilaku hidup yang berisiko di kalangan masyarakat seperti merokok, pola makan yang tidak seimbang dan kurang melakukan aktivitas fisik merupakan penyebab terjadinya penyakit jantung koroner. Data dari WHO menunjukkan setiap tahun tidak kurang dari 12 juta orang meninggal dunia akibat serangan jantung.
Dalam penandatanganan naskah kerja sama antara Yayasan Jantung Indonesia dengan Garudafood Group, Sabtu lalu, Menkes mengatakan, kematian akibat dari penyakit tidak menular seperti jantung, stroke, diabetes dan sebagainya memberikan kontribusi yang cukup tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan kematian akibat penyakit menular. Pada tahun 2000 ada sekitar 55 juta orang meninggal karena serangan jantung, stroke, kanker dan diabetes.
”Kematian akibat penyakit tidak menular hampir 60 persen dari kematian di dunia. Tujuh puluh sembilan persen kematian akibat penyakit tidak menular terjadi di negara-negara berkembang. Penyakit tidak menular tersebut dapat dicegah dengan pola makan yang seimbang, berhenti merokok dan olahraga secara teratur,” ujarnya.
Menurutnya, kandungan asam lemak tak jenuh yang ada dalam kacang-kacangan, khususnya kacang tanah terbukti sangat tinggi dan profil asam lemak dalam kacang tersebut merupakan salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan risiko penyakit jantung koroner. ”Mengkonsumsi satu ons kacang, lebih dari lima kali seminggu bisa menurunkan risiko penyakit jantung koroner 25 persen sampai 39 persen,” ujarnya.
Penelitian Penny ini didukung oleh penelitian dari Dr Frank Hu dari Havard School of Public Health. Dalam pertemuan American Heart Association di Dallas tahun 2000, Frank mengungkapkan ahsil penelitiannya terhadap 86 ribu wanita yang sering mengkonsumsi kacang, disimpulkan bahwa mengkonsumsi kacang-kacangan termasuk kacang tanah, mampu menjaga pemompaan aktivitas jantung dengan teratur.
Kacang-kacangan mengandung fitosterol, Beta-Sitosterol (SIT) yang terbukti dapat menghambat pertumbuhan kanker dan melindungi dari penyakit jantung. SIT juga menawarkan perlindungan dari colon, prostate dan kanker payudara. Kandungan SIT dalam 100 gram kacang adalah 165 mg. Fitosterol dalam jantung dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol dan level Triglyserida dengan cara memblok absorbsi kolesterol dari makanan yang disirkulasikan dalam darah dan mengurangi reabsorbsi kolesterol dari hati, serta tetap menjaga HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) kolesterol. Lebih dari 80 persen lemak dalam minyak kacang adalah jenis yang tidak jenuh dan sehat bagi jantung serta bebas kolesterol.
Selain mengandung SIT, kacang-kacangan juga mengandung serat (fiber). Menurut Prof Dr Muhilal dari Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Gizi dan Makanan, Bogor, tingginya kolesterol darah merupakan salah satu faktor risiko terjadinya penyakit jantung koroner. Serat dalam makanan terdiri dari serat yang larut dalam air dan yang tidak terlarut dalam air, namun keduanya dapat menurunkan kolesterol.
Muhilal menjelaskan penurunan kolesterol terjadi antara lain karena kolesterol terbawa ke dalam feses bersama serat dan proses biosintesis kolesterol dalam hati berkurang karena tingginya konsumsi serat. Idealnya, kita harus mengkonsumsi serat 25-30 gram per hari. Kacang tanah termasuk makanan yang mengandung serat. Satu sendok kecil kacang tanah mengandung 2 gram serat atau 8 persen dari serat yang dibutuhkan per hari.
”Masyarakat Indonesia rata-rata hanya mengkonsumsi serat 10,5 gram per hari, jauh di bawah yang dianggap dapat menurunkan risiko terkena penyakit jantung koroner yakni di atas 20 gram per hari. Lebih dari 90 persen penduduk Indonesia konsumsi seratnya kurang dari 20 gram per hari,” ujarnya. Menurutnya, sayuran, buah-buahan dan serealia merupakan sumber serat. Tapi sayangnya, serealia yang ada di pasaran sudah sangat rendah kandungan seratnya karena masyarakat lebih suka pada beras yang disosok.
Sementara itu Menteri Kesehatan Achmad Sujudi mengatakan sejak tahun 1955, penyakit jantung merupakan penyebab kematian nomor satu di Indonesia. ”Perilaku hidup yang berisiko di kalangan masyarakat seperti merokok, pola makan yang tidak seimbang dan kurang melakukan aktivitas fisik merupakan penyebab terjadinya penyakit jantung koroner. Data dari WHO menunjukkan setiap tahun tidak kurang dari 12 juta orang meninggal dunia akibat serangan jantung.
Dalam penandatanganan naskah kerja sama antara Yayasan Jantung Indonesia dengan Garudafood Group, Sabtu lalu, Menkes mengatakan, kematian akibat dari penyakit tidak menular seperti jantung, stroke, diabetes dan sebagainya memberikan kontribusi yang cukup tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan kematian akibat penyakit menular. Pada tahun 2000 ada sekitar 55 juta orang meninggal karena serangan jantung, stroke, kanker dan diabetes.
”Kematian akibat penyakit tidak menular hampir 60 persen dari kematian di dunia. Tujuh puluh sembilan persen kematian akibat penyakit tidak menular terjadi di negara-negara berkembang. Penyakit tidak menular tersebut dapat dicegah dengan pola makan yang seimbang, berhenti merokok dan olahraga secara teratur,” ujarnya.
Canon (company)
Canon Inc. (キヤノン株式会社, Kyanon Kabushiki Gaisha?, TYO: 7751 , NYSE: CAJ) is a Japanese company that specializes in imaging and optical products, including cameras, photocopiers and computer printers. The headquarters are in 30-2, Shimomaruko 3-chome, Ota-ku, Tokyo. Their North American headquarters is located in Lake Success, New York, USA.
The predecessor company was established in 1903 by Goro Yoshida and his brother-in-law Saburo Uchida. Named Precision Optical Instruments Laboratory (Seiki Kōgaku Kenkyūjo, Precision Optical Instruments Laboratory?), it was funded by Takeshi Mitarai, a close friend of Uchida. Its original purpose was to develop a 35mm rangefinder camera.
1934 logo depicting the Bodhisattva Kwan'on.
In June 1934 they released their first camera, the Kwanon (see "Origins of company name" below). Three variations of this product were marketed, however, none were actual products. Of the ten Kwanon cameras that were rumored to be produced, none were ever known to reach the market.
The new company was off to a good start. However, there was a problem: Precision Optical Instruments Laboratory had not developed a lens. Several alternatives were considered, but the decision was made to seek help from a corporation known as Nippon Kogaku Kogyo (Japan Optical Industries, Inc., the predecessor of Nikon) to use their Nikkor lens. So in February 1936, the Precision Optical Instruments Laboratory was able to release the "Hansa Canon (Standard Model with the Nikkor 50mm f/3.5 lens)", which became Kwanon's first commercially available camera.
The following year the company name was changed to Canon to reflect a more modern image, and on 10 August 1937, the current corporation was founded.[1]
Today, despite the company's high profile in the consumer market for cameras and computer printers, most of the company revenue comes from the office products division, especially for analog and digital copiers, and its line of imageRUNNER digital multifunctional devices. Additionally, Canon is the supplier of print engines found in the hugely popular Hewlett-Packard LaserJet series of laser printers. [2]
Canon has also entered the digital displays market by teaming up with Toshiba to develop and manufacture flat panel televisions based on SED, a new type of display technology. The joint venture company SED Inc. was established in October 2004. In January 2007, Canon announced that it would buy Toshiba's share of the joint venture.[3] This move was triggered by litigation from Nano-Proprietary, Inc., which claimed Canon breached a license agreement by sharing technology licensed to Canon with the joint venture company.[4]
Canon has also announced it is developing OLED and rear-projection displays.[5]
The predecessor company was established in 1903 by Goro Yoshida and his brother-in-law Saburo Uchida. Named Precision Optical Instruments Laboratory (Seiki Kōgaku Kenkyūjo, Precision Optical Instruments Laboratory?), it was funded by Takeshi Mitarai, a close friend of Uchida. Its original purpose was to develop a 35mm rangefinder camera.
1934 logo depicting the Bodhisattva Kwan'on.
In June 1934 they released their first camera, the Kwanon (see "Origins of company name" below). Three variations of this product were marketed, however, none were actual products. Of the ten Kwanon cameras that were rumored to be produced, none were ever known to reach the market.
The new company was off to a good start. However, there was a problem: Precision Optical Instruments Laboratory had not developed a lens. Several alternatives were considered, but the decision was made to seek help from a corporation known as Nippon Kogaku Kogyo (Japan Optical Industries, Inc., the predecessor of Nikon) to use their Nikkor lens. So in February 1936, the Precision Optical Instruments Laboratory was able to release the "Hansa Canon (Standard Model with the Nikkor 50mm f/3.5 lens)", which became Kwanon's first commercially available camera.
The following year the company name was changed to Canon to reflect a more modern image, and on 10 August 1937, the current corporation was founded.[1]
Today, despite the company's high profile in the consumer market for cameras and computer printers, most of the company revenue comes from the office products division, especially for analog and digital copiers, and its line of imageRUNNER digital multifunctional devices. Additionally, Canon is the supplier of print engines found in the hugely popular Hewlett-Packard LaserJet series of laser printers. [2]
Canon has also entered the digital displays market by teaming up with Toshiba to develop and manufacture flat panel televisions based on SED, a new type of display technology. The joint venture company SED Inc. was established in October 2004. In January 2007, Canon announced that it would buy Toshiba's share of the joint venture.[3] This move was triggered by litigation from Nano-Proprietary, Inc., which claimed Canon breached a license agreement by sharing technology licensed to Canon with the joint venture company.[4]
Canon has also announced it is developing OLED and rear-projection displays.[5]
This article is about the current AT&T. For the 1885-2005 company, see American Telephone & Telegraph. For the wireless provider subsidiary, see AT&T Mobility. For the 1910s British airline, see Aircraft Transport and Travel.
AT&T Inc. (NYSE: T) is the largest provider of both local and long distance telephone services, wireless service, and DSL Internet access in the United States. AT&T is based in San Antonio, Texas, United States. Formerly SBC Communications, Inc., the company shed its name and took on the iconic AT&T moniker and the T stock-trading symbol (for "telephone") after its acquisition of AT&T Corporation.
Since the break-up of American Telephone and Telegraph Company in 1984, most of the companies spun off from it (the "Baby Bells") have merged into three major US telecommunications groups: Verizon, Qwest, and AT&T Inc. Most of these companies are made up primarily of former components of American Telephone and Telegraph Company. For the new AT&T, these include many Bell Operating Companies and the long distance division.
AT&T Inc. (NYSE: T) is the largest provider of both local and long distance telephone services, wireless service, and DSL Internet access in the United States. AT&T is based in San Antonio, Texas, United States. Formerly SBC Communications, Inc., the company shed its name and took on the iconic AT&T moniker and the T stock-trading symbol (for "telephone") after its acquisition of AT&T Corporation.
Since the break-up of American Telephone and Telegraph Company in 1984, most of the companies spun off from it (the "Baby Bells") have merged into three major US telecommunications groups: Verizon, Qwest, and AT&T Inc. Most of these companies are made up primarily of former components of American Telephone and Telegraph Company. For the new AT&T, these include many Bell Operating Companies and the long distance division.
Alfred Dunhill, Ltd.
Alfred Dunhill, Ltd. is a British-based company, specializing in leather goods, writing implements, lighters, timepieces, fragrances and clothing. The business was developed by Alfred Dunhill after he inherited his father's saddlery business on London's Euston Road. Dunhill, responding to the growing demand for automobiles, developed a line of accessories called "Dunhill's Motorities". This first collection included car horns and lamps, leather overcoats, goggles, picnic sets and timepieces. Dunhill pitched the company under the slogan “Everything For The Car But The Motor”.
In 1967 Carreras acquired a 51% stake in the company. The company is currently owned by Richemont.
Currently, Jude Law appears in Dunhill ads in Asia.
1 Dunhill Fragrances
2 Sponsorship
3 Abridged Timeline
4 See also
5 References
6 External links
[edit] Dunhill Fragrances
All fragrances sold under the Dunhill brand name are manufactured and marketed through a licensing agreement by Procter and Gamble Prestige Products division. P&G gained the license as part of their 1995 acquisition of the Wella Corporation.
[edit] Sponsorship
Alfred Dunhill was involved in sponsorship of golf tournaments, namely Alfred Dunhill Cup
[edit] Abridged Timeline
1893 – Aged 21, Alfred Dunhill takes over his father’s saddlery business and converts it into Dunhill’s Motorities, providing ‘Everything for the car but the motor’.
1903 – Dunhill’s first dashboard clock marks their entry into the timepiece arena.
1905 – Alfred Dunhill patents his Windshield Pipe, designed to allow comfortable smoking while driving or cycling.
1907 – Having retired from running the Motorities business, Alfred Dunhill opens a pipe, cigar and tobacco store among the men’s clubs of Duke Street, St. James’s, London SW1.
1910 – Dunhill opens a pipe factory near the store.
1915 – The trademark White Spot marking is added to Dunhill’s pipes.
1921 – Store opens in New York; Paris store opens three years later.
1927 – Dunhill launches the revolutionary Unique lighter, the first to be operated using just one hand.
1928 – Dunhill begins distributing the Namiki pen company’s maki-e lacquered pens.
1936 – The iconic Facet timepiece, based on Dunhill’s car head-lamp designs, is launched.
1941 – Dunhill’s Duke Street store is bombed during World War II; it was extended and rebuilt in the 1950s and recently renovated.
1956 – The Rollagas butane lighter is launched.
1963 – Manufacture of Dunhill brand cigarettes starts.
1985 – First annual Alfred Dunhill Cup golf tournament.
2000 – Dunhill Links golf championship supersedes Dunhill Cup.
2005 – Savile Row tailor Richard James, watchmaker Tom Bolt, casual-wear designer Nick Ashley and leather-smith Bill Amberg are brought on board to help revitalise the brand.
Rare and classic car event the Alfred Dunhill Motorities Tour is inaugurated.
In 1967 Carreras acquired a 51% stake in the company. The company is currently owned by Richemont.
Currently, Jude Law appears in Dunhill ads in Asia.
1 Dunhill Fragrances
2 Sponsorship
3 Abridged Timeline
4 See also
5 References
6 External links
[edit] Dunhill Fragrances
All fragrances sold under the Dunhill brand name are manufactured and marketed through a licensing agreement by Procter and Gamble Prestige Products division. P&G gained the license as part of their 1995 acquisition of the Wella Corporation.
[edit] Sponsorship
Alfred Dunhill was involved in sponsorship of golf tournaments, namely Alfred Dunhill Cup
[edit] Abridged Timeline
1893 – Aged 21, Alfred Dunhill takes over his father’s saddlery business and converts it into Dunhill’s Motorities, providing ‘Everything for the car but the motor’.
1903 – Dunhill’s first dashboard clock marks their entry into the timepiece arena.
1905 – Alfred Dunhill patents his Windshield Pipe, designed to allow comfortable smoking while driving or cycling.
1907 – Having retired from running the Motorities business, Alfred Dunhill opens a pipe, cigar and tobacco store among the men’s clubs of Duke Street, St. James’s, London SW1.
1910 – Dunhill opens a pipe factory near the store.
1915 – The trademark White Spot marking is added to Dunhill’s pipes.
1921 – Store opens in New York; Paris store opens three years later.
1927 – Dunhill launches the revolutionary Unique lighter, the first to be operated using just one hand.
1928 – Dunhill begins distributing the Namiki pen company’s maki-e lacquered pens.
1936 – The iconic Facet timepiece, based on Dunhill’s car head-lamp designs, is launched.
1941 – Dunhill’s Duke Street store is bombed during World War II; it was extended and rebuilt in the 1950s and recently renovated.
1956 – The Rollagas butane lighter is launched.
1963 – Manufacture of Dunhill brand cigarettes starts.
1985 – First annual Alfred Dunhill Cup golf tournament.
2000 – Dunhill Links golf championship supersedes Dunhill Cup.
2005 – Savile Row tailor Richard James, watchmaker Tom Bolt, casual-wear designer Nick Ashley and leather-smith Bill Amberg are brought on board to help revitalise the brand.
Rare and classic car event the Alfred Dunhill Motorities Tour is inaugurated.
7 ways to look good to a lender
Even as interest rates remain at attractive levels, many people looking to start or expand a business venture are having trouble getting a loan.
Banks may be pushing great deals on home-equity credit lines and other loan offerings, but they also are being extremely selective about who they lend to.
Now more than ever, you must engender the trust and confidence of your lender.
There's no magic bullet that you can fire to bag yourself a trophy loan. But there are some guidelines that can put you on the right path to your quarry.
Here are seven dos and don't when applying for a business loan.
1. Even if you're not organized, look organized.
Yes, it's especially hard when you're trying to grow a business and changing your company's internal systems to meet that growth. But this is when looking sharp is even more important.
"I think the thing that will really impress a banker and get him excited about a borrower is a well-organized package," says Bob Bifolco, executive vice president with Progress Bank in Blue Bell, Pa.
What Bifolco likes to see: Three years of tax returns, an interim financial statement, listings of receivables and payables, insurance records that show what equipment the company owns and the assets' possible replacement value and a cash-flow statement for the past year.
"You bring in a package like that and the banker is likely to immediately deem you as a sophisticated prospect who is running the business in a sound financial manner," Bifolco says.
2. Clean up your "a/r" and your "a/p."
That's accountant-speak for accounts receivable and accounts payable. The problem is pretty simple: Lenders don't like it when they see a business waiting for lots of money to come in (accounts receivable).
"If somebody is getting paid in 90 days but has to pay his vendors in 30 days, we feel like he has a problem," says Merv Shorr, senior vice president with Banco Popular North America.
Old accounts receivable aren't just an indicator of slow-paying clients — they also can be a red flag for nonpaying accounts. Lenders may want to see a reserve for bad debts to reflect potential un-collectible bills.
3. Your assets: Know that lenders care about what they are worth now.
"Bankers are going to want to tie up more assets than the loan is worth whenever possible," says Dana Barfield, a financial planner in Richardson, Texas, who specializes in planning for businesses with up to $80 million in revenues.
So lenders will look at your assets not in terms of what you paid for them, but rather in terms of what they could be sold for if the business is ever to be liquidated.
Overall, this is going to favor the manufacturer with a brand-new production line over the information services business with rapidly depreciating computer equipment. You can't do much about this, but be aware and plan accordingly.
4. Improve your loan-to-value ratio.
Desirable loan-to-value ratios vary by industry. Leasing companies, for example, tend to have higher acceptable loan-to-value ratios.
Bifolco says that, in general, he likes to see loan-to-value ratios of 3-to-1 or less; Shorr suggests that 4-to-1 is a winner. But there isn't a strict bar for this ratio. "What I'm looking for is a snapshot that will tell me if this company can make it through a few rainy days, through a couple of recessions," Bifolco says. "Not being over leveraged is part of that."
5. Remember that lenders want interest payments plus.
It's not unusual for people looking to borrow money to consider themselves good risks if they can show that they can service the debt — that is, produce enough monthly cash to pay the interest on the loan.
But that's not enough for lenders these days. Most of them want to see that you can generate enough cash to not only service the debt but also to pay back principal. So instead of just interest coverage, you have to think about — and be able to show — how the business will have total debt coverage.
6. Yes, they want you borrowing, but not too much.
A business that has a track record of borrowing and repaying always has a leg up on getting a new loan.
But lenders don't like to see debt servicing consuming too much income. Debt-to-income ratios of less than 40% are preferred. That means if you are making $10,000 in profits monthly, not more than $4,000 of that should be getting siphoned off for debt servicing.
"In general, we really don't like debt-to-income ratios of 50% or more," says Melissa Hammit , commercial credit analyst for Wood forest National Bank in Woodlands, Texas.
7. Personal credit dings? Hold back a bit.
Lenders say that good personal credit can help with a business loan, especially since many small-business borrowers have to guarantee the loan personally. The reverse is also true: Some dings on your record could hurt you.
So try to hold off on applying for a business loan if you've recently missed some payments or had other credit problems. Going more than a full year with a clean personal credit record can make a difference when signing that business loan application.
Banks may be pushing great deals on home-equity credit lines and other loan offerings, but they also are being extremely selective about who they lend to.
Now more than ever, you must engender the trust and confidence of your lender.
There's no magic bullet that you can fire to bag yourself a trophy loan. But there are some guidelines that can put you on the right path to your quarry.
Here are seven dos and don't when applying for a business loan.
1. Even if you're not organized, look organized.
Yes, it's especially hard when you're trying to grow a business and changing your company's internal systems to meet that growth. But this is when looking sharp is even more important.
"I think the thing that will really impress a banker and get him excited about a borrower is a well-organized package," says Bob Bifolco, executive vice president with Progress Bank in Blue Bell, Pa.
What Bifolco likes to see: Three years of tax returns, an interim financial statement, listings of receivables and payables, insurance records that show what equipment the company owns and the assets' possible replacement value and a cash-flow statement for the past year.
"You bring in a package like that and the banker is likely to immediately deem you as a sophisticated prospect who is running the business in a sound financial manner," Bifolco says.
2. Clean up your "a/r" and your "a/p."
That's accountant-speak for accounts receivable and accounts payable. The problem is pretty simple: Lenders don't like it when they see a business waiting for lots of money to come in (accounts receivable).
"If somebody is getting paid in 90 days but has to pay his vendors in 30 days, we feel like he has a problem," says Merv Shorr, senior vice president with Banco Popular North America.
Old accounts receivable aren't just an indicator of slow-paying clients — they also can be a red flag for nonpaying accounts. Lenders may want to see a reserve for bad debts to reflect potential un-collectible bills.
3. Your assets: Know that lenders care about what they are worth now.
"Bankers are going to want to tie up more assets than the loan is worth whenever possible," says Dana Barfield, a financial planner in Richardson, Texas, who specializes in planning for businesses with up to $80 million in revenues.
So lenders will look at your assets not in terms of what you paid for them, but rather in terms of what they could be sold for if the business is ever to be liquidated.
Overall, this is going to favor the manufacturer with a brand-new production line over the information services business with rapidly depreciating computer equipment. You can't do much about this, but be aware and plan accordingly.
4. Improve your loan-to-value ratio.
Desirable loan-to-value ratios vary by industry. Leasing companies, for example, tend to have higher acceptable loan-to-value ratios.
Bifolco says that, in general, he likes to see loan-to-value ratios of 3-to-1 or less; Shorr suggests that 4-to-1 is a winner. But there isn't a strict bar for this ratio. "What I'm looking for is a snapshot that will tell me if this company can make it through a few rainy days, through a couple of recessions," Bifolco says. "Not being over leveraged is part of that."
5. Remember that lenders want interest payments plus.
It's not unusual for people looking to borrow money to consider themselves good risks if they can show that they can service the debt — that is, produce enough monthly cash to pay the interest on the loan.
But that's not enough for lenders these days. Most of them want to see that you can generate enough cash to not only service the debt but also to pay back principal. So instead of just interest coverage, you have to think about — and be able to show — how the business will have total debt coverage.
6. Yes, they want you borrowing, but not too much.
A business that has a track record of borrowing and repaying always has a leg up on getting a new loan.
But lenders don't like to see debt servicing consuming too much income. Debt-to-income ratios of less than 40% are preferred. That means if you are making $10,000 in profits monthly, not more than $4,000 of that should be getting siphoned off for debt servicing.
"In general, we really don't like debt-to-income ratios of 50% or more," says Melissa Hammit , commercial credit analyst for Wood forest National Bank in Woodlands, Texas.
7. Personal credit dings? Hold back a bit.
Lenders say that good personal credit can help with a business loan, especially since many small-business borrowers have to guarantee the loan personally. The reverse is also true: Some dings on your record could hurt you.
So try to hold off on applying for a business loan if you've recently missed some payments or had other credit problems. Going more than a full year with a clean personal credit record can make a difference when signing that business loan application.
Accelerating Results: How Businesses Succeed
There are a number of ways to quantify and qualify business success and results. One that has been widely popularized by Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema in their book The Discipline of Market Leaders, and affirmed repeatedly by business leaders, suggests that market leaders can be categorized into one of three disciplines in which they excel:
Developing intimacy with customers as a way to foster loyalty and repeat business.
Creating products or services that customers find indispensable.
Managing a business in the most efficient way possible, cutting costs and improving productivity.
In each of these disciplines, innovative software helps market leaders to either perform better or gain the flexibility to shift focus to other areas. Let’s look at some examples.
Customer Intimacy
Companies who seek to build on a foundation of exceptional customer relationships strive to deeply understand and connect with their customers. One outstanding example of this is Nordstrom, a retailer that has thrived in that competitive industry by using customer service and customer data to acquire and maintain customers and to build unparalleled loyalty., another retailer that understands how important a deep connection with customers can be, uses technology to understand the customers’ shopping habits and more effectively provide them with suggestions and personalized shopping experiences.
Many industries can profit from a focus on customer service. One example is Sandvik Coromant, a world-leading company for tools used in metalworking applications. The company needed a new way to connect with customers, so it used Microsoft technology to create a new browser-based ordering tool that gave customers extensive access to Sandvik Coromant’s products and customer services. Furthermore, Sandvik Coromant took a larger part of becoming the solution in some cases, actually deploying engineers, and in sometimes employing existing staff at a factory, in order to better provide the needed services and results to customers.
Now, it’s easier for Sandvik Coromant’s customers to do business with the company, making them more likely to do so in the future. Sandvik Coromant estimates that more than 1,000 customers are accessing its information and transaction processes via its new interface. The company believes that the new solution is both reducing costs and boosting revenues by attracting new customers and increasing its business with current customers
Developing intimacy with customers as a way to foster loyalty and repeat business.
Creating products or services that customers find indispensable.
Managing a business in the most efficient way possible, cutting costs and improving productivity.
In each of these disciplines, innovative software helps market leaders to either perform better or gain the flexibility to shift focus to other areas. Let’s look at some examples.
Customer Intimacy
Companies who seek to build on a foundation of exceptional customer relationships strive to deeply understand and connect with their customers. One outstanding example of this is Nordstrom, a retailer that has thrived in that competitive industry by using customer service and customer data to acquire and maintain customers and to build unparalleled loyalty., another retailer that understands how important a deep connection with customers can be, uses technology to understand the customers’ shopping habits and more effectively provide them with suggestions and personalized shopping experiences.
Many industries can profit from a focus on customer service. One example is Sandvik Coromant, a world-leading company for tools used in metalworking applications. The company needed a new way to connect with customers, so it used Microsoft technology to create a new browser-based ordering tool that gave customers extensive access to Sandvik Coromant’s products and customer services. Furthermore, Sandvik Coromant took a larger part of becoming the solution in some cases, actually deploying engineers, and in sometimes employing existing staff at a factory, in order to better provide the needed services and results to customers.
Now, it’s easier for Sandvik Coromant’s customers to do business with the company, making them more likely to do so in the future. Sandvik Coromant estimates that more than 1,000 customers are accessing its information and transaction processes via its new interface. The company believes that the new solution is both reducing costs and boosting revenues by attracting new customers and increasing its business with current customers
Adapt and Harness Change: How Business Connects
People—and the businesses they run—are not constrained by the four walls of their corporate headquarters. They work with partners, they meet customers, they work on the road. Success in this business environment requires building strong, flexible connections within this dynamic network—connections that allow people to adapt quickly to change and harness it to meet business objectives. Innovative software can move businesses beyond the constraints of phones, faxes, and memos to efficient, standards-based connections by knocking down organizational and technical boundaries, strengthening relationships, and leveraging existing investments.
Dell is a good example of a company that constantly works to forge better links with its customers and partners. Using Microsoft technology, Dell recently linked a number of systems to give customers and partners up-to-the-minute information on Dell systems’ prices and features. For instance, Web services were developed to provide online partners with real-time pricing or to verify shipping addresses. As Dell employees saw these tools’ value, they too started using them, regardless of whether they were meant for customers or partners.
Dell also has deployed Microsoft solutions to help streamline data warehouse support systems, develop an internal sales user interface that shares shopping baskets and other sales tools between and other Dell business units, and create a Dell MyAccount service that provides personalized information to customers. With Microsoft technology, Dell has forged new and stronger ties to customers, partners, suppliers, and employees, helping the company adapt to any change in its business climate.
Dell is a good example of a company that constantly works to forge better links with its customers and partners. Using Microsoft technology, Dell recently linked a number of systems to give customers and partners up-to-the-minute information on Dell systems’ prices and features. For instance, Web services were developed to provide online partners with real-time pricing or to verify shipping addresses. As Dell employees saw these tools’ value, they too started using them, regardless of whether they were meant for customers or partners.
Dell also has deployed Microsoft solutions to help streamline data warehouse support systems, develop an internal sales user interface that shares shopping baskets and other sales tools between and other Dell business units, and create a Dell MyAccount service that provides personalized information to customers. With Microsoft technology, Dell has forged new and stronger ties to customers, partners, suppliers, and employees, helping the company adapt to any change in its business climate.
8 ways to tame your brain
Most investors think too much and end up making the wrong moves. Follow these 8 guidelines and make the right ones.
Avoid the "sure thing"
Your "seeking system" is especially turned on by the prospect of a big score, and that in turn will hinder your ability to calculate realistic odds for the success of an investment.
Be on your guard against any sales rep who tries to lure you with jackpot jargon like "can't miss," "double your money" or "the sky's the limit."
Remember: lightning seldom strikes twice
If you've ever had the taste of a big gain, you'll likely be tempted to try to get that feeling back. So be especially wary of investing in stocks or mutual funds that remind you of the one you made a killing on long ago; chances are, any similarities to another investment, living or dead, are purely coincidental.
Think twice
Making a financial decision while you're inflamed by the prospects of a big gain - or a huge paper loss - is a terrible idea.
Calm yourself down (if you don't have kids to distract you, take a walk around the block or go to the gym) and reconsider when the heat of the moment has passed.
Get away from the herd
If you are part of an investment organization, appoint an internal sniper whose job is to shoot down ideas everyone likes. (Rotate this role to prevent one person from becoming universally disliked.)
Similarly, if you're at a barbecue and your friends are talking up a seemingly great opportunity, speak to someone you respect who isn't part of the group before you jump in.
Lock up your "mad money"
Put at least 90% of your stock money into a low-cost, diversified index fund that owns everything in the market. Put 10%, tops, at risk on speculative trades. Be sure this "mad money" resides in a separate account from your long-term investments; never mingle them. Never add more money to the speculative account. (It's especially important to resist that temptation when your trades have been doing well.)
If you get wiped out, close out the account.
Control your cues
The stock market generates signals that can goad you into trading. Try watching CNBC with the sound off so that none of the hullabaloo about what the market is doing this second can distract you.
If you walk past the local brokerage firm every day so you can sneak a peek at the electronic ticker, take a different route. If you obsessively check a stock's price, use the "history" window on your browser to count how many times you've updated the price that day. The number may shock you.
Use your words
While vivid sights and sounds - say, red down arrows and scenes of mayhem on the exchange floor - fire up your emotions, the more complex cues of language activate analytical areas of your brain.
To prevent your feelings from overwhelming the facts and leading you to sell in a panic, ask yourself:
- Other than price, what's changed?
- Are my original reasons to invest still valid?
- Shouldn't I like this investment even more now that it's cheaper?
Track your feelings
Many of the world's best investors have learned to treat their own feelings as reverse indicators: Excitement becomes a cue that it's time to consider selling; fear tells them they should be thinking about buying.
I once asked renowned fund manager Brian Posner of Fidelity and Legg Mason how he sensed whether a stock would be a moneymaker. "If it makes me feel like I want to throw up," he answered, "I can be pretty sure it's a great investment."
Avoid the "sure thing"
Your "seeking system" is especially turned on by the prospect of a big score, and that in turn will hinder your ability to calculate realistic odds for the success of an investment.
Be on your guard against any sales rep who tries to lure you with jackpot jargon like "can't miss," "double your money" or "the sky's the limit."
Remember: lightning seldom strikes twice
If you've ever had the taste of a big gain, you'll likely be tempted to try to get that feeling back. So be especially wary of investing in stocks or mutual funds that remind you of the one you made a killing on long ago; chances are, any similarities to another investment, living or dead, are purely coincidental.
Think twice
Making a financial decision while you're inflamed by the prospects of a big gain - or a huge paper loss - is a terrible idea.
Calm yourself down (if you don't have kids to distract you, take a walk around the block or go to the gym) and reconsider when the heat of the moment has passed.
Get away from the herd
If you are part of an investment organization, appoint an internal sniper whose job is to shoot down ideas everyone likes. (Rotate this role to prevent one person from becoming universally disliked.)
Similarly, if you're at a barbecue and your friends are talking up a seemingly great opportunity, speak to someone you respect who isn't part of the group before you jump in.
Lock up your "mad money"
Put at least 90% of your stock money into a low-cost, diversified index fund that owns everything in the market. Put 10%, tops, at risk on speculative trades. Be sure this "mad money" resides in a separate account from your long-term investments; never mingle them. Never add more money to the speculative account. (It's especially important to resist that temptation when your trades have been doing well.)
If you get wiped out, close out the account.
Control your cues
The stock market generates signals that can goad you into trading. Try watching CNBC with the sound off so that none of the hullabaloo about what the market is doing this second can distract you.
If you walk past the local brokerage firm every day so you can sneak a peek at the electronic ticker, take a different route. If you obsessively check a stock's price, use the "history" window on your browser to count how many times you've updated the price that day. The number may shock you.
Use your words
While vivid sights and sounds - say, red down arrows and scenes of mayhem on the exchange floor - fire up your emotions, the more complex cues of language activate analytical areas of your brain.
To prevent your feelings from overwhelming the facts and leading you to sell in a panic, ask yourself:
- Other than price, what's changed?
- Are my original reasons to invest still valid?
- Shouldn't I like this investment even more now that it's cheaper?
Track your feelings
Many of the world's best investors have learned to treat their own feelings as reverse indicators: Excitement becomes a cue that it's time to consider selling; fear tells them they should be thinking about buying.
I once asked renowned fund manager Brian Posner of Fidelity and Legg Mason how he sensed whether a stock would be a moneymaker. "If it makes me feel like I want to throw up," he answered, "I can be pretty sure it's a great investment."
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