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Senin, 31 Maret 2008

6 Secrets to Finding Dividend “Money Machines” : That Keep Your Portfolio Growing

What if you owned a money machine…
…automatically cranking out cash for you day-in and day-out?
And not only that… the machine reproduces itself. It breeds more little money machines — and they're all working 24/7, making money for you.
Sounds fantastic — or at least illegal — doesn't it?
But in a very real sense, that's just what happens when you buy dividend-paying stocks and reinvest the dividends.
Hard to believe? Just look at these examples…
Money Machine #1: Pepsi — $2,000 invested in Pepsi in 1980 is now worth more than $150,000. You would have started with 80 shares, but by reinvesting dividends, you now would have 2,800 shares.
Money Machine #2: Philip Morris — $2,000 invested in Philip Morris in 1980 is worth just under $300,000 today. You would have started with 58 shares. Today, thanks to stock splits and reinvesting dividends, you now would have more than 4,300 shares!
Money Machine #3: Johnson & Johnson — $2,000 invested in Johnson & Johnson in 1980 would be worth close to $140,000 today. You would have started with only 13 shares of stock. Today thanks to reinvestment and splits, you now would own more than 2,000 shares.
You'd have a portfolio now worth close to $600,000, starting with a total investment of only $6,000. And you never needed to add another penny.
Today, your little $6,000 investment is generating $17,000 every year in dividends. You're earning almost…
3 times your total original investment
EVERY YEAR in dividends alone!
Now that's what you call a money machine!
In addition to Johnson & Johnson, we'll show you some of the money machines we've selected in Income Investor in a moment. But just imagine yourself 10 or 20 years from now with a few money machines in full operation, cranking out money for you…
Our passion here at The Motley Fool's Income Investor is to help people like you build real wealth through the power of great dividend-paying stocks.
In this message we'll show you how you too can find great dividend-paying stocks. You'll see some of the great success stories we've had in the last three years.

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